John 10:10... I have come that you may have life, and that you may have it more abundantly.
3. In this current season would you say you need to spend more time looking inward or that you need to get out of your head? Tell us why. In this season of the restoration of my marriage I am leaning heavily on my Lord, I have to get out of my head. My mind takes me down rabbit trails that I don't need to be on. I am looking to Him and not myself.
4. Are you following the 'March Madness' madness? (That's US college basketball in case you're out of the loop) What's something that feels like actual madness to you right now? No I do not follow sports. Nothing against anyone who does but I feel like it is a waste of my time. Actual madness right now is how this world is coming against Israel. They have a right to defend themselves.
5. How will you celebrate the Easter/Passover holiday this year? Easter this year will be a quiet day at the condo. I will spend time reflecting on the awesomeness of this Holyday and relaxing in His presence. Then we will tidy up the condo and head home.
6. Insert your own random thought here. I have stated blogging over at Wordpress again. Thought I would see if it has gotten any better. Seems a bit easier to figure out than when I was there last.
Today is Monday March 25, 2024
Joining Susanne at Living to Tell the Story to share some favorite things from this week! I know posts are more exciting when you have pictures but I have been unprepared for that this week. I will do better in the future.
1. Dan went out of town last weekend to visit his City Cousins so I went to a restaurant that he doesn't seem very fond of. It was delicious. I had enough leftovers to have for dinner.
2. What's something many people seem to love, but to you feels like 'watching the grass grow'?
Watching NASCAR. I don't really understand how you can sit and watch cars go around a track 500 times. We used to really be into racing hold hotrods but it was on a short strip.
4. It's been said, 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder.' Agree or disagree? Explain.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder... well, I agree and disagree. This depends on the person. It is true for me but not for my significant other. He enjoys his time away and doesn't seem to actually show much feeling like "missing" anyone. Me, I get heart sick when I'm away from the ones I love!
5. Are there any festive spring events in your city or town? If so, will you take advantage of them?
There is nothing going on in our small Missouri town. I check the calendar just the other day.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Quite a few people around us are already cutting grass. We did our preventative maintenance on our mower and sharpened the blades getting ready to start. Our grass isn't quite ready to be cut yet.
In the past couple of months I have struggled with what to do with my time. Dan and I live in a tiny space living so when I came back into this relationship I only brough the necessities. I donated all my knitting/crocheting supplies and a huge stash of yarns. I donated all my books and only kept my Kindle.
Lately, as I shared in my last post, it is difficult to focus on a book for very long. My mind wonders down bunny trails. So I ordered me a new set of interchangeable knitting needles and some yarn to get started back to knitting. I will have to be careful not to get carried away and grow my supplies and stash to an unreasonable amount of space. It's very addictive! LOL!
I cannot wait for my supplies to arrive!
Think about what that word means...returning something to its former owner, place, or condition. I have been praying for the restoration of our marriage. But is that what I truly want? Restoration? I want our marriage back but not in the same state it was when it ended! I want our marriage to be filled with all the blessings that the Lord would pour out on us!
This has been a difficult few months. We are learning to communicate more than I think we ever did in the 30 years that we were married. That in itself is hard for me as I am not much of a talker. I'm an introvert. Some days I don't think that this is going to work. But I think that is because I am trying to get out of communicating.
Another thing that I've struggled with during these months has been not having anything to fill my time outside of work. I "cling" to Dan, something I know he hates, because I don't have anything to do nor do I know what I want to do. I feel antsy. If that makes sense. I donated all my knitting supplies. I have a hard time focusing on a book. It's taking me forever to get through the one I have going. I'm working on finding something for ME.
This was not meant to be a pity party. I am just putting my feeling down somewhere. I hope to come back in a few months and see that we have made some tremendous progress!
Thanks for listening.
I hope you will consider joining me here ... I am taking down any of my old blogs here. Too many old memories that I wish to move on fro...